Sample Page

We like to keep it positive!  Clients receive a notification telling them every time they are making progress and what that progress is. Troubleshooting: If your client states they didn't receive their call make sure you entered the correct phone number by going to the customer dashboard and verifying the number.  If the number is [...]
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Around our initial calls our Advisory Team calls each client weekly or every other week depending on the client and their current step. Typically at this stage the client is waiting for their first round of trade accounts to report.  The client is advised that they can call or email any time they have questions. [...]
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Welcome Email Welcome email from Advisor Team (sent automatically to added client) INCLUDES: Official welcome Link to log in & select password Advisor Team contact information Welcome Call Welcome call (within 1st business day) INCLUDES: Welcome & Outline first steps Answer questions Share contact info Daily Calls for 4 Days Daily Advisory calls for the first 4 business [...]
Contracts & Agreements 0